Moving and need to find a new school

finding a school


We are moving. How do I find a great Montessori school in our new location?


There are three main routes I can recommend to help you find a school. First, just do an internet search for Montessori School near your new local. Get familiar with the names of the schools that exist. If there are none, maybe you should start one!

Next, ask around. A school's reputation means a lot and asking people who already live there (the librarian, your realtor, etc.) can give you a lot of information.

Third, go to the website for the Montessori association in that area. So if you are looking for an AMI accredited school (those are highly recommended), you would go to the AMI website, then choose Find your Country, then pick the Montessori association for that country. They'll have a list of accredited schools. 

Once you find a school, you'll have many factors to consider to decide if the school is right for you! You'll want to know if they are accredited, what their teacher's background are, and their overall philosophy. But most of all, you'll want to get in there and see for yourself if you like the school. Call and set up a time to go observe. Before you go, read our blog post on What you'll see in a great Montessori school to help you get focused on what really matters. Then, trust your gut.

Unfortunately, there are not enough quality Montessori schools in the world. So, if you come up empty, you might consider Montessori homeschooling (you could open up to other families nearby so you get a mixed age group) or recruiting a teacher and founding your own school. Because, really, you probably aren't the only one who needs a great Montessori option in your new location, right?

Even if you have to compromise on the school choice, don't despair. You can still implement Montessori at home. The home is, after all, the most important part of a child's development. Love them, give them an enriched environment, invite them to participate in daily life, be a model of kind/wise behavior, prepare them and then give them the freedom to make informed choices, and set clear boundaries. You are the most important force in your child's life. 


March 20, 2023 by Maitri Admin
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