Free Cards at Conferences Until We Run Out
You won't believe how we have spent the past few days. Our fantastic, eco-friendly Neenah Environment paper that we have loved for 12 years has been changed. It is still eco-happy but they have found a new environmentally-friendly way to make it just a little bit brighter white than the old paper. Great, right? Well yes, unless you're a hyper-precise, caught-up-in-the-human-tendency-of-self-perfection Montessorian like me. With this new whiter paper, we've had to cull all of the extra cards we've been filing to use as needed if we have to replace a card in one of our packets.
So we have bagged everything up and labeled it for the Free Basket that you will find at our table at every upcoming conference until they are gone! If you like to hunt through things, set aside plenty of time to visit with us. We have literally thousands of odd, random but lovely individual cards that you can pick through and put together whatever sets you can come up with! We also have lots of movable alphabet letters so if you really want a few more t's, they are yours!
We hope you can find time to help save these from the landfill (what an awful thought). Bring a cup of coffee and hang out! So far, we're scheduled to attend:
- NAEYC in Orlando (October)
- Montessori Schools of Massachusetts (January)
- AMI in LA (February)
- AMS in Chicago (March)
Looking forward to seeing you soon...
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