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As a Montessori professional, I hold myself to what sometimes seem to be offensively high standards. As such, I have had all of Maitri's products reviewed by experienced Montessori educators and/or subject matter experts. I would like to thank the following reviewers/mentors for their time, patience, wisdom, and honest feedback:

I also want to remember the help I received from some dear humans who have passed. Even as the years go by, I still feel their loss deeply:

  • Sybil Devereux, AMI Teacher Trainer
  • Annette Haines, PhD., AMI Teacher Trainer
  • Bryan Hudson, PhD., Forensic Neurospychologist, Lecturer, Harvard University (Extension School)
It's curious that I save for last those that are most important: my family. My husband Adam (a biochemistry professor) for bringing a scientific eye (and strong back) to our work. My daughter Devin (Maitri's self-proclaimed Odds and Ends Executive) for her patience and careful eye in reviewing draft after draft as well as bringing her mother into the present day world of social media. My son Dante for requiring my pedagogy to be precise in word and deed. I am indebted to them for their daily encouragement, patience, and enthusiasm.
May all beings benefit,
Julia Volkman