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Teacher Education
What does optimal education that nurtures development look like? Read these books to discover not only exactly what Maria was talking about but also how that translates into todays world both at home and at school.
For parents, start with Montessori Speaks to Parents for transcripts of the lectures Dr. Montessori gave to parents during courses and congresses. And anyone working with children ages 3 to 6 really needs to invest in reading this authentic translation of The Absorbent Mind. The translation matters and this one, straight from those preserving her legacy in Holland, gets it right.
For more on the pedagogy within the classroom, dive right into The London Lectures, taken straight from Dr. Montessori's teacher training course in 1946, just six years before her death. Then, dig into Muriel Dwyer's Path for the Exploration of Any Language. For the big picture of Montessori's essential teachings, read her core collection of writings in Citizen of the World.
And if you are interested in math, you have to check out Psychoarithmetic and Psychogeometry which explain the psychology behind teaching mathematics.
For more on bringing the method alive both in the classroom and in the greater world, tuck into Susan Stephenson's lovely books for infancy (Joyful Child), preschool and elementary (Child of the World).
If you want to go the teacher training route, explore our Montessori Albums for Teacher Education and check out all of the following titles (required reading in many Montessori teacher training courses):
- The London Lectures
- The Montessori Approach to Music
- The Formation of Man
- What You Should Know About Your Child
Education for a New World
- The Child, Society & the World
- The Absorbent Mind
Then, explore our Learning Center (see link in menu above) for a host of worthy videos and links.